Friday, November 21, 2008

Hiding in Camo

Here's Clayton testing out a toddler camoflauge chair at Cabella's. Matt thinks it's fun to let Clayton sit there by himself. I think it's dangerous since he falls over. He sat there for a few seconds before toppling over though. With his cam outfit you almost can't see him!
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Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Matt playing with Clayton

Here's Matt's idea of entertaining Clayton. My personal opinion is that it was a bit of over stimulation that the baby books say could make a baby cry, but Clayton did seem to be having fun and didn't cry. He was in a vibrating chair, inside of the pack n play that was also vibrating and playing music while tugging on the toys in the entertaining chair.

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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

One Month Old Statistics

Here's a pic we took at Forest Park last week. I think he looks exactly like Matt and in this pic he almost looks like a toy doll!

We went to the pediatrician for his 1 month appt yesterday and he is growing very fast. Here are his stats:

Weight - 10lbs 15oz in the 75th percentile
Height - 23.5 inches in the 90th percentile.
Head Circumference - 15 inches in the 50th percentile

So he is a very tall guy compared to other 1 month old babies, of course we expect that to even out. The doctor was impressed with how alert he was and that he was already smiling back at us. He did say the baby acne Clayton has is from the estrogen in my breastmilk and probably won't go away until he is about 3 months old. Next month he will get shots for vaccines - yikes!

Here is his one month old (Nov 12) photo with all his camo gear. He is getting ready to help his dad get a big buck to hang on the wall of his nursery.

4 weeks old

I can't believe he's already 4 weeks old. Crystal and Kelly came to visit him. He welcomed the girls properly with the largest poop I've ever seen. It blew out is diaper and up the back of his shirt. I wasn't sure if the poo would come out of the white onesie that he was wearing but luckily we got it out. We mostly just hung out all weekend. He was good and impressed them with his pooping and eating abilities.

I forgot to take a picture of Kelly before she left, but did get this pic of Crystal and Clayton as we got ready to take her to the airport.

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Friday, November 07, 2008

Matt testing out the stroller.

Here's Clayton's first stroller ride. Yes, I am surprised that he survived it. I am sure that Matt will be testing the limits on the stroller when we are able to actually go jogging with it.

Of course, I'm the cautious mommy!

Clayton didn't seem to mind either method of riding.

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